Felid Science and Conservation News

'Felid News' for "Saudi"
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Emirates 24/7 ... authorities,” Ajel newspaper said, quoting a reader. The paper quoted wildlife experts as saying the Arabian leopard is one of the most endangered animals in the region and that only around 200 of them are believed to live in the Arabian Peninsula ...
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Emirates 24/7 ... authorities,” Ajel newspaper said, quoting a reader. The paper quoted wildlife experts as saying the Arabian leopard is one of the most endangered animals in the region and that only around 200 of them are believed to live in the Arabian Peninsula ...
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Green Prophet ... Commission for Wildlife Conservation and Development will be transferring the wild cats that had been illegally smuggled into the Kingdom over the last two years into facilities that comply with the Convention on International Trade in Endangered ...
Monday, February 4, 2013
DAWN.com A loose network has sprung up, trading not just lions but also cheetahs, leopards, gazelles, hyenas and monkeys. The majority are bound for Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the Emirates. The animals will end up in private collections and homes as trophy pets ...
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Emirates 24/7 ... secretary general of the National Commission for Wildlife Conservation and Development (NCWCD). “Arabian leopards are considered among the most endangered species in the world as their number does not exceed 200 in the Arabian Peninsula. ...

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